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Global Youth Leaders' Summit 2022

The Global Youth Leaders' Summit has always been a platform for the communities of youth all over the world to share about the current happenings and issues they are facing.

It falls on us as future leaders, to sift through all the noise and find what really matters to us during this trying times. This 17th of July, we held our 14th edition of the Global Youth Leaders' Summit in conjunction with Nelson Mandela International Day.

The Summit sought to address pressing issues that youth face in today's world and aims to be a catalyst for youth to gain confidence and be equipped with skills to help them tackle these societal difficulties.

This year's Summit saw an interesting panel of thought leaders: Ms Gan Siow Huang, Ms Tin Pei Ling - GPC Chairperson for Communications and Information, Martin Tan - Co-Founder | Executive Director of The Majority Trust Ltd, Delane Lim - Co-Founder & Executive Director of Character Leadership Academy, Harriet Turk - Founder of Just Be U, Dr Jason Leong - StandUp Comedian, and Mr. Sng Mingda - Singapore Magician.

We hope that all our attendees, local and from abroad, had takeaways from this year's Summit, and are inspired to apply their learning in their communities. Remember to cherish the #MattersthatMatter, speak #WordsthatMatter, and commit to #ActionsthatMatter!

Till next year!

The Global Youth Leaders' Summit 2022 is organised by Character & Leadership Academy and FutuReady Asia Singapore.


© Global Youth Leaders' Summit

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